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This apartment complex is situated in the tourist centre of Playa de Levante and is only 450 m from the nearest sandy beach. Numerous shops, cafes, bars and restaurants are within 100 m of the hotel. The nearest nightclub is just 700 m from the hotel and a public transport link can be found only 50 metres away. The building was renovated in 2004 and consists of 200 apartments spread across 25 floors.
This apartment complex is situated in the tourist centre of Playa de Levante and is only 450 m from the nearest sandy beach. Numerous shops, cafes, bars and restaurants are within 100 m of the hotel. The nearest nightclub is just 700 m from the hotel and a public transport link can be found only 50 metres away. The building was renovated in 2004 and consists of 200 apartments spread across 25 floors.

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